Monday, April 20, 2020


It is no doubt that Lagos State government is on a mission to further carve a niche for itself. Football has been generally acknowledged as the most unifying element as it has a way of uniting people without bias to ethnic or religious differences.

With the growing acceptance of football in Lagos State, youths with great potentials are scattered on the streets, passionately looking for platforms to make their dreams come true. This passion is often exploited by some individuals, who inordinately make business out of it by calling for screening which requires thousands of naira.

For a greater Lagos to be achieved, there is a need for more opportunities and platforms to be created for potential world class players in the state to be seen. IBILE Champion’s League, which will have 90 competitive matches has been designed to fill the gap, thereby attracting more stakeholders to see the beauty, relevance, business and value in the football world.

Strategically designed, it will attract a global audience while becoming the foremost sporting platform that aligns the grassroots to the vision of the government towards achieving a Greater Lagos. IBILE Champion’s League will have different creativity displayed—with breathtaking contents that will not just further project Lagos State, but will also attract local and international scouts who will possibly bring to reality the dreams of these potential football stars.

The tournament’s Project Advisory Board, Grand Patron, Patron, Special Guest of Honor, Chief Host, Host, Special Kicker and Honorary Guest are comprised of high-profile individuals and decision makers in Lagos politics.

According to the Managing Director, Horizontal Initiative Concept Ltd., Mr Emmanuel Amuwo, who doubles as the initiator of the competition, the platform will also be used to recognize individuals who have made great impact in the development and sustainability of Lagos State.

The sporting event, themed “Using football as a tool for a greater Lagos”, will set a pace that will further make people see community service as a civil responsibility, thereby complementing the commendable efforts of the state government towards giving her citizens better lives.

IBILE Champion’s League (a hope for grassroots football),is slated to hold later in the year.
We look forward to partnerships and collaboration with individuals and corporate organizations.
Emmanuel Amuwo

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